Our Support

The Coalition conducted a survey of 800 registered voters from December 16 through December 20, 2021, to explore how they felt about a potential proposal to grant the state’s safety net hospitals additional funding per year in order to close our budget shortfall.

Topline survey findings outlined below reveal broad support for New York’s safety net hospitals, including providing government funding to shore up financial setbacks and other related issues.

Key Findings

  • New York voters believe that the New York State government should increase funding for safety net hospitals. Statewide, 80% of voters say the state government should increase funding for safety net hospitals.

  • There is broad support for a proposal to grant New York safety net hospitals additional Medicaid payments to close their annual budget shortfall. Statewide voters support granting the State’s safety net hospitals additional Medicaid payments to close their annual budget shortfall by a margin of 84%-6%.

  • There is strong voter support for creating an investment program to provide New York safety net hospitals with additional Medicaid payments to close their annual budget shortfall. Statewide, voters support a proposed investment program to provide New York safety-net hospitals with capital funding by a margin of 82% to 7% who opposed that measure.

  • New York voters overwhelmingly support the mission of safety net hospitals and view the current budget shortfalls of safety net hospitals to be a major problem. Statewide, voters overwhelmingly support the mission of safety-net hospitals by a margin of 88%.